During the trip, I had a small scare with my pregnancy. We went to the OB and had an ultrasound to check on the baby. The baby was fine, but they found a large cyst (8.6 cm) on my right ovary. The doctor seemed really concerned about it bursting or twisting, especially during our long flights. From that point on, I tried to take it a little easier, and nothing happened during the flights.
A few days after we got home, I had another scare. My first ultrasound and appointment with the doctor were scheduled for the next day, but we went ahead and got the ultrasound early. Again, the baby was fine. Its heart rate was 165bpm. It measured for 7 weeks and 5 days, which is exactly on track for my due date of August 18! The cyst measured 8.0 cm. They weren't sure what had caused my bleeding, but the doctor didn't seem very concerned the next day. I was really surprised that there was only one baby-- I had the sonographer double-check. With my hormones being so high, and feeling so sick, and showing already, I really expected there to be twins. My OB nurse seemed to expect it, too. But only one!
My cyst has been causing a lot of pain and discomfort, but my doctor doesn't seem too concerned about it. The cyst was caused by the Clomid that I was on. Typically a cyst like this one would go away on its own, usually around the beginning of the second trimester, as pregnancy hormones naturally decrease and stabilize. I have another ultrasound on January 28 to check its progress. It's possible that I could have to have surgery to remove it during my second trimester, but we're praying that it goes away on its own.
The doctor gave me more medicine to help with my nausea, but it doesn't seem to be working. I can't believe how sick I've been with this pregnancy! It's so different from when I was pregnant with Elam! I was sick then, but nothing like this. I'm hoping and praying that it will go away soon, but trying to keep in mind that it's worth it in the end!

Ultrasound photo - January 4, 2011