We are PREGNANT!! We found out this past weekend. It was a bit of a surprise, because I had pretty much given up on this month. I had starting showing my usual symptoms, which I assumed meant I was not pregnant again. I had already talked with the doctor and made plans for next month. Then my symptoms stopped and I decided on a whim to take a test. To my surprise, it was positive! The problem was it had only been 12 days since my last hCG shot. You're supposed to wait 14 days, but the nurse had told me I could go ahead and test on day 12 because it would probably be all out of my system. If the shot was still in my system, it could be the cause of the positive test. So I rushed to the doctor and had blood drawn. This was on Friday, so we had to wait all weekend to find out the results!! It was agonizing! I kept taking pregnancy tests each day, and each day it was positive. I had already been having LOTS of symptoms, including a lot of nausea, for a week or two already. So that with the positive tests and the fact that I was a few days late pretty well convinced me.
My hCG came back at 526, which is really high, and my progesterone was 18, which is normal. I had more blood drawn on Monday to compare and make sure my hormones were increasing. The hCG levels should have doubled, maybe tripled. It turns out, they more than QUADRUPLED! It went up to 2248! My progesterone went down a little (16.8), so they have started me on prometrium supplements. A 16.8 is still considered normal-- it's just a precaution. So with all these high hormones, LOTS of nausea, and the fact that I took Clomid and 2 hCG shots this month, it makes us wonder if twins are in our future! When my regular OB heard about the meds I had been on, even she said, "There may be more than one in there!"
The timing is crazy (and awesome), and we're really excited! I'm feeling a little hesitant to get too excited or start planning, but I'm trying to remember to trust God and not give myself room for fear. Our first ultrasound is on January 5, which is right after we get back from our trip to West Asia and London!
Our due date is August 18, 2011. Please pray for the health of our baby (or babies!)!!!! It's really early-- I'll be 5 weeks tomorrow, so it's still risky at this point. Especially pray for the baby's health during our trip overseas.
I am so happy for you guys! I literally started crying....I love your entire little family so much. You and the little one(s) will be in my prayers constantly!