I had yet another scare with my pregnancy on January 17, so we went in for another ultrasound. The baby was fine, and they couldn't find the reason for my bleeding. It's common that women experience this during their first trimester without having any other problems, so the doctor isn't worried. This ultrasound, though unplanned, was exciting because the baby looked more like an actual baby and less like a blob (like it looked last time)! We could see the baby's brain, arms, and legs, and the baby wiggled around some. The baby measured a couple days ahead of schedule-- I was 9 weeks, 4 days, and it measured 9 weeks, 6 days. It's always fun to maybe be a little ahead of where you thought you were! As a result of this ultrasound, they moved my due date to August 17. Not a big difference (only 1 day), but at least it's in the right direction! Oh, and my cyst had gone down to 7cm, so it was nice to see that it was shrinking, as expected.

Since my last post, my nausea only seemed to get progressively worse. None of the medications my doctor had prescribed were helping. So I called my doctor and they said the only other option would be to try to get a Zofran pump. A few days later, an infusion company delivered my supplies and a home health nurse came to set it all up. After increasing the dose gradually over the next week or so, I started feeling some relief. I'm currently at my maximum dose, and it does take away some of the nausea so I am able to eat more normally and gain back some of the weight I've lost. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get back to "normal" life as much as I'd hoped because, as the nausea has gotten a little better, I've realized I'm constantly exhausted. Also, the insertion site for the pump hurts a LOT, which can make it painful to walk. I'm still debating about whether it's worth the pain...
My doctor had scheduled an ultrasound on January 28 to check on the cyst. The ultrasound went well. The cyst had gone down to 3.5 or 4.5cm (compare that to 7cm at my ultrasound less than 2 weeks earlier!). The baby was very active, so we got to see it wiggling around and kicking its legs. We looked at its arms and legs, which looked like miniature baby arms and legs. It was very exciting to see the baby this time, as it's starting to look more and more like a little baby and it's moving around so much. According to my due date, I was 11 weeks, but the baby measured 11 weeks, 5 or 6 days. It may seem like a small difference, but it's very encouraging, given that Elam frequently measured so small in his ultrasounds. This baby is already bigger than Elam was at his ultrasound at 12 weeks, 3 days!

At my 12-week doctor appointment, the doctor was very glad to see that my cyst had been shrinking so quickly. She doesn't think we need to continue doing ultrasounds to check on it because she expects it to be gone in no time. I got all my routine pregnancy bloodwork done at this appointment, and everything came back normal. My next ultrasound will be the in-depth one where they do all the important measurements and check for any problems. Because of our experiences in my last pregnancy, the doctor said we could get this ultrasound a couple weeks early, just to alleviate any worries we may have. So it will be scheduled when I'm about 18 weeks.
Over the last several days, I've experienced some shortness of breath. I tried to ignore it and hoped it would go away on its own, but I ended up going to the doctor on Wednesday. They couldn't find anything that was wrong, so they sent me home and told me to watch for any signs of infection-- fever, headache, congestion, etc. I'm hoping it goes away soon because I'm ready to get back into some light exercise and a more normal life in general!
Ben and I have been able to hear the baby's heartbeat several times now using our fetal doppler we bought when I was pregnant with Elam. It's nice that any time we wonder if the baby is doing ok, we can just check its heartbeat at home. What a blessing the doppler has turned out to be! Please continue to pray for the baby's health, and my health, particularly the breathing issues.

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