So, not long after my last blog post, I noticed Molly wasn't moving much one day. It seemed like she did this about once per week, and it would make me feel nervous all day each time. So I finally decided to just call the doctor and see if I could get an ultrasound to ease my nerves. I figured it wouldn't be a big deal. The nurse on the phone, however, seemed really concerned and told me that if I was having decreased fetal movement, that I should go to triage in the hospital. Not again! So after debating with myself about going to the hospital, Ben reassured me that it was ok and we decided to go in. Turns out everything was fine. Molly started moving not too long after we got there and got the monitors strapped onto my belly (of course!). The nurse said her heart rate was reactive, more like a full-term baby's than a 30-week baby! (I was 30 weeks along at the time.) We also asked for an ultrasound and they found that she was responding well and she was head-down! She seemed to be sleeping, so at one point they used a little buzzer to wake her up to see her move. She jumped. It was kind of sad, but really cute.

Since my shower, I have realized that Molly could actually arrive really soon, so I have been working like crazy to get everything ready. I've been out shopping for the last few things we need, washing baby clothes, organizing the nursery, and doing lots of other stuff around the house to get things ready. Ben has been very helpful in the process! I think I've bought pretty much everything we absolutely have to have in the very beginning, so now I just have to start working on cleaning the house, finish packing our hospital bag, and create our birth plan. Still so much to do, and who knows how much time I actually have to finish it all!
Today I had a doctor's appointment. I've been going every other week, but starting with my next appointment (in 2 weeks), I will be going weekly. The doctor confirmed my STRONG suspicion that Molly dropped last week. She checked me and said my cervix is very low. So low that she doesn't know how I'm walking around anymore! Lol. I'm dilated 1cm, which I suspected to be true after having lots of surges (contractions) 3 minutes apart a couple weeks ago. Since my mom always had her babies early, and especially since I had Elam at 36 1/2 weeks, the doctor thinks I will probably go early with this pregnancy too. She said at this point if I went into labor, they wouldn't stop it and Molly should be fine. Exciting! My mom had each of her babies about 3 weeks after she dropped. We'll see if that holds true for me. I'm currently 34 weeks and one day, so it's possible Molly could be here in a couple weeks! (Or really, any time!) So after my appointment, I felt even more like I needed to get everything done around the house very soon!
So it looks like my pregnancy is winding down! In a way, it seems like I've been pregnant for SO long, but I still can't believe it's almost time! It seems like it almost snuck up on me recently. Ben and I are both so excited and can't wait to meet our little Molly!
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